While I'm typically busy enough with my two MySpace blogs and the kids' website blogs, there are either a) a lot of my friends/family who are not on MySpace, or b) things that simply aren't fit to be discussed on a child's webpage! That being said, I'm following Heather's lead, and taking a more general approach to the blogging world (gee thanks, Heather-- just what I needed-- another blog).
What is truly tragic is that I really don't have much to offer you at 10:24 on a Thursday evening. I'm actually just killing some time until 11:00, when I'm hoping that the Old Navy Kids Sale will kick into gear online, and I can score some new duds for the grublets for a sweet deal.
Big news in my life? Not much, really. We have the big "Salon VS Brawn 2008" film festival this weekend, which will undoubtedly provide nothing but good times and even better laughs (visit www.badmoviefest.com).
Other than that, I've been planning the boys' big Leap Day birthday party. After researching a bit of Leap Year trivia online, it has come to my attention that babies who are born on February 29th are not "Leap Year babies", they are Leap Day babies, because using the word "year" implies they were born sometime over the course of that particular year. I had no idea that people were so sensitive on the subject, but apparently I have been doing my boys an injustice by referring to them as "Leap Year babies" for the last four years. Did you know that there are only 200,000 people in the United States that were born on Leap Day? I think that out of the world population, there are only 4 million. Kind of interesting (yes, I'm a total geek).
Are you serious? There are still 26 minutes until 11:00? I am so doggone tired, people. Really. I have so much to do tomorrow regarding the festival that it's not even funny. Wash the sheets for company, vacuum, dust, clean the bathroom, put the festival gift bags together (oh yes, we have gift bags!). Oh yes, and I also have to manage to wrangle the kids, pack their bags for the weekend (they're going to Nana and Pa-Pa's country house), and get the boys to their swim lesson tomorrow afternoon. Yes, I am so very tired, and now I'm realizing that I'll have to get up early.