That isn't to say that this year's birthday wasn't good-- it was great! Fancy Nancy threw a birthday party for me (and my girlfriends) at the Purple Glaze a few days before my actual birthday. It was so nice of her! She even made some of the most delicious cookies, for which I am sharing the recipe, because I think everyone should experience these!
Anyway, Nancy figured a glazing party would be right up my artistic alley, and she was right-- I loved it! It's so cool, because you have all these fun pieces of pottery to choose from (seriously, everything from cookie jars, to plates, to figurines), and then you get to glaze them however you want. When you pick them up a few days later, they're all glossy and gorgeous.
I glazed a couple of plates. I totally love my pear plate, and my tree plate turned out okay, too. I wish I would've had more time to work on that one, but oh well-- it turned out pretty cute anyway. Amanda, Ami, Jen, Nancy, and I all had a fun time. Luckily, the glazing studio is one less than a mile from my house, and the price was really reasonable, too, so I am totally going back!
Then, on my actual birthday, Eric and the kids took me out to lunch at Big Daddy's for BBQ. Yum! You can't beat a smoked bologna sandwich and baked beans on your birthday. The kids were absolutely bonkers at the restaurant, but other than that, it was good. When we got back, Eric had to give me a "disclaimer" regarding my birthday present from the kids. That's always scary. He said that, when he asked the kids what they wanted to get me, Gabe said, "A spaceship." For the record, this is his answer whenever we ask this question. Just because he wants a spaceship, he assumes everyone else does, too. After Eric talked him out of it, there was apparently talk of a "pink ballerina" because "all girls like pink ballerinas, and Mommy is a girl". Thankfully, Eric talked them out of that, too. Then, the kids unanimously voted on buying me the new car I had my eye on about a month ago. Can I just say that I take back every bad thing I've ever said about my kids? SO sweet of them! Unfortunately, there's just no way we could afford to get Mommy a new car for her birthday, but it's the thought that counts. So, it was off to Bass Pro Shop. I know-- you're thinking, "Bass Pro Shop? For a birthday present for you?" Yes. However, I am happy to report that my kids know me all to well, because they immediately went to the shoe department to pick out my gift, and I wound up with a pair of zebra-print Sanuks (which I really had been wanting). So comfy.
After that, Jarrod and I went downtown to a little bike-themed art show called "Cranked". It was really cool to see some local talent, especially since it was all bike-related. We took down some info about one particular artist, because now we're both interested in getting some prints.
As we were leaving downtown, Jarrod got called in to work (server farm issues), so luckily we weren't far from the office. That's how we spent a good part of the afternoon, unfortunately, but what can you do? Then, we grabbed a quick bite, before getting called back downtown early that evening, which was really frustrating for Jarrod, since we had arena football tickets for the Talons. Nevertheless, Biv and Matt picked me up from Jarrod's work, and we went on to the game. On the ride over, Biv gave me an awesome, farting birthday card (yep, even at 31, I still enjoy good fart humor), and the new Dave Matthews album. Sweet!
I had never been to an arena football game, so I was pretty pumped. They should post a big warning sign outside, though, telling you of all the serious fashion victims you will witness during your time inside. One woman in particular (and I'm so bummed I couldn't get a picture of her), we named "Pretty In Pink". Picture this if you will: An overly-tanned, middle-aged fake blonde, wearing what appeared to be a matching set of gym shorts and a tank top, with flourescent pink and gray horizontal stripes running all over them. Normally, this wouldn't have been too terribly shocking, but this woman (in Biv's words) "made those shorts look like a thong". A lotta jiggling. I thought Biv was going to be sick. Anyway, given that her outfit was SO loud, we tried to locate her during the game, to snap a picture, but we failed (so you're just going to have to use your imagination). Overall, the game was good (we won). Part-way through the first half, the mascot, "Swoop" (a giant, blue eagle or hawk, or something), came and sat with us, and began tickling my ear. Nothing like being molested by a giant bird on your birthday-- every girl's dream. Ha-ha. Okay, so not true.
So, that was my birthday, in a nutshell. Pottery-painting, new shoes, an art show, a server farm, and getting molested by a giant, hairy, blue bird. Can't ask for more than that, right?