Sunday, April 27, 2008

Garage Sale Season Is Officially OPEN!

Spring, in and of itself is perfectly lovely. The weather gets warm, we get nice afternoon rain showers which always seem to persuade me to take a nap, I get to work in the yard, and best of all, I can boot the boys outside and not have to listen to them fighting over the recliner! However, the best part about Spring is the fact that it is the beginning of Garage Sale Season.

This past weekend brought numerous neighborhood sales, which is really all I do-- more bang for your buck, so to speak. I'll admit, I got a bit lazy compared to my normal routine, and decided to pick Amanda up at 8:00, instead of my usual 7:00, and we decided to tackle Eric's mom's neighborhood sale. For one thing, this neighborhood is massive, and I can't tell you how many times (even with as many times as I've been in and around that neighborhood-- either visiting my inlaws, or HELL-- I went to elementary school there, so you would THINK I would be pretty familiar with the place) we got turned around. Anyway, we scored some good deals, and oddly enough, I managed to find some cute clothes, which I rarely look for, much less find at these things. I can't recall a time when I've nabbed a beautiful light-green, short-sleeved angora sweater from Banana Republic for a whopping $1.00! Amanda was also quick to inform me that it had a "condom pocket" on the chest, which interestingly enough, was an entirely foreign term to me, but hey, you learn something new everyday.

I also managed (please do anything and everything to contain your laughter) to find a pair of red-red, pointy-toed women's cowboy boots! Now, normally I would never, EVER buy or wear cowboy boots, but these just kicked ass. I'm sorry, but they did. They were just sassy, and really didn't give off that whole cowboy-boot-hey-I'm-a-redneck-hoochie kind of vibe, so I bought them. They rock, and I really wish I would've had them for the Bon Jovi concert. That would've kicked ass. The first time I wear them, I will post pictures for your amusement.

What else? Oh, I got this great iron bird feeder dish on a pedestal that is this fantastic brick red color, so it will match my front door. I also found a divided serving bowl that matches some really fun retro dishes that I bought at an antique store back in college. I've been working on finding a complete set without resorting to paying eBay prices, so I was thrilled to get this bowl for $1.00. There were two really great things that came along with this bowl-- #1: Apparently, the lady brought it all the way from Boston, and you just can't beat that (talk about fate!), and #2: The lady asked me, "You're not from Oklahoma, are you?" THAT absolutely MADE MY DAY! I know I should probably be more proud of where I'm from, but apparently I gave this lady the impression that I was far too awesome to be from middle-America and that made me happy! Amanda couldn't stop laughing.

However, that lovely compliment was quickly shot down after another woman, and her elderly mother began commenting on my hair. I've recently let it go curly again (loose curls, nothing kinky-- good lord), and these two women loved it. Now, I'm sure you're asking, "Well, what's bad about that?" Okay, let me explain something-- when a middle-aged woman and her elderly mother refer to your hairstyle as "precious" you have to start questioning yourself a bit. I mean, as it is, sometimes when I style my hair now, I feel like I'm walking a very thin line between Little Orphan Annie and Old Lady Hair. 99% of the time, I'm successful at falling into neither category, but their comments certainly got me wondering. I mean, at nearly 30 years-old, do I want to be referred to as "precious"? Kittens are "precious"-- newborn babies, even, but my hair? Shoot me now.

Ugh, I'm tired. Way too tired for a witty conclusion, I'm sorry. Plus, I have to sit down and watch a couple of episodes of season six of "Sex and the City" so that I'm good and caught-up by the time the movie comes out next month!


Heather said...

Wahoo. I'm jealous. FL garage sales suck. I need to go back to NJ!