Friday, December 5, 2008


So, after musing over the skills of my nightly mystery visitor yesterday, I decided to leave "it" a little treat on my nightstand, as a sort of experiment. Before I went to bed, I deposited a single green M&M on the top of the table, just to see if it would be there in the morning. I know-- I'm weird.

Like on Christmas morning, I woke up excitedly, to glance to my left to see if the candy was missing. Sure enough, it was! A-ha! Once again, there was no other evidence of the creature's existence, other than the missing sweets. This thing's got guts.

Since my last blog, I have been able to count on Jarrod for some various theories regarding the mysterious nature of my friend. First was that, since it was so incredibly high on sugar, it was simply moving too fast for me to see. Good point-- I hadn't thought of that. Another theory (to support Jarrod's Cockamouse suspicion), was that it simply had to be a Cockamouse for one reason, and one reason only-- a Cockamouse can fly. Therefore, that would explain why it so easily evaded Kooka's detection, and left no droppings. Very compelling theories.

At Jarrod's suggestion, I might just set up my video camera tonight, on the night-vision setting, and see what shows up. It goes without saying that if I do this, I will most certainly be posting the video on the blog. I mean, this could be my equivalent of catching a Sasquatch on camera or something. Ooooooh, Sasquatch! I hadn't thought of that before now... Perhaps I should change my poll.


Heather said...

Yeah, you're back!