Monday, December 8, 2008


Okay, so you're all going to laugh, but I'm not sure if this is laugh-worthy, or just plain creepy.

So, as you know, I set up my video camera on "night-vision" a couple of nights ago, in an attempt to catch the mystery creature in action. I went to bed around 1:30, and about 20-minutes later (roughly-- I don't know for sure because I wasn't facing the clock), I could hear my visitor quietly chomping on a Smartie. I smiled to myself, knowing that the camera was rolling, and that, in the morning, I would be able to see it for myself.

Or, so I thought. After hearing the creature eating the candy on my nightstand, I really couldn't go to sleep. In fact, I was awake when the camera finally shut off (I only had a couple hours-worth of tape left). I actually got out of bed to turn the camera off when the tape stopped, and confirmed that, yes, there was one out of three pieces of candy missing. At least I knew that whatever it was had been caught on tape.

I am not kidding you-- I fast-forwarded through that entire roll of footage, and there was nothing there. There was no way I could've missed it-- you could see the entire top of the nightstand just as plain as day. I have scanned that tape twice for evidence and there is nothing on it. I was hacked...

... and, to be honest, a little creeped-out. On Saturday night, prior to filming, Jarrod suggested the possibility of a "cloaking device", to go along with our other hair-brained theories. Maybe I should've added another option to my poll-- "Invisi-Mouse". This is just too crazy for words.

I filmed again last night, offering the thief four peanuts instead. All four were gone this morning, so it's all a matter of whether or not it showed up before the tape ran out. I have yet to view the footage, because I need a decent block of spare time to sit and fast-forward through two hours of footage, and with the day I've had, the opportunity to view the tape hasn't even remotely come close to presenting itself. Maybe tonight when the kids go to bed.

Wow, I really am a freak-- this is my idea of an exciting Monday night? Really?