Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Irony Of Mother's Day

Here it is, Mother's Day, and what am I doing (besides blogging)? I am doing laundry, cleaning up the house, and wrangling the kids. I was going to mow the grass, but it just seemed wrong to slave in the yard on Mother's Day, so I said 'screw it'.

I think it's funny how on days like Mother's Day, moms everywhere are being "celebrated", but they're still having to deal with the all the crap that they don't like to deal with as moms. No mom wants to do laundry on Mother's Day-- c'mon! While I was at the grocery store yesterday, the cashier told me that so many moms were there, buying food for their Mother's Day dinners. That's just sad! I mean, nobody in their right mind enjoys going to Walmart on a Saturday, but families everywhere were sending out the poor moms to buy the goods for their own Mother's Day celebration. Sick, I tell you, sick.

Of course, this is sort of a bummer Mother's Day for me this year (as some of you know), but I'm still making the most of it. The kids got me a new bicycle helmet, which they proceeded to wear around the house this morning. I really needed one, considering I have had my old one since 1997, so that was cool (and the new one is really pretty). Unfortunately, Josh sort of ruined the surprise last night, by pointing to the wrapped gift on my desk, and telling me that they got me a helmet. Oh well-- the laugh I got from the spoiled surprise was worth it!

So, once the kids are up from their nap (no time soon, I hope), we are going over to my parents' house for the usual barbecue. I swear, no family grills as much as my family does. Any and all family get-togethers must involve the grill, or so it seems. Anyway, that'll be nice to go over there and be good and distracted until I take the kids home to bed.

On another "mommy" note, the boys are nearly potty-trained! If they can make it through tonight without any accidents, I am going to make it official, I think. They've been doing so well at night, having only a couple of accidents since Tuesday night. I will say, however, that it is a little bittersweet not having to diaper them anymore. I know, I know, you're thinking, "What the hell is the matter with you?" but the whole "no diapers" thing just makes it sink in even more that they are no longer babies. It's so unfair! Nevertheless, I am really proud of how quickly they potty-trained (once they finally caught on, anyway), and they seem pretty happy with themselves, too. I guess they have to grow up sometime, right?

Yikes, my foot is falling asleep big time, so I'd better get this computer out of my lap and go do something else-- like get ready to go to my mom's, especially since I can now hear the boys fighting. Gee, that nap was short-lived.